Why System Trading?

Trading decisions taken by fundamental data and news are not free of human emotions. Therefore it is hardly possible to measure historical results in a neutral way. The only reality at the markets is the development of quotes. System trading means disciplinated alignment of technical trading parameters allowing the investor to participate in both market directions. It is statistically proven that such strategies can improve the overall performance dramatically while simultaneousely reducing the risk.

Where are my funds deposited?

You maintain an individual-, joint- or corporate account in your own name with a reknown and regulated broker.

Who can access my account?

Only the account owner(s) can withdraw funds.

How can I follow up the development of my investment accounts?

You will receive a real time access to your accounts as well as daily e-mail statements.

Are funds pooled ?

Explicitally not! Each client maintains segregated accounts. You do not invest in a fund.

What are the specific risks of TrendCycles' trading system?

TrendCycles trades its own trading system, which is a market price based, trend following system. If a market tends sideways during several month, it might produce a series of loss signals. Therefore TrendCycles trades different markets simultaneously. The contract size chosen in each market is in a strict relation to the overall investment capital. By entering any new signal, the maximum stop risk is limited to ca. 1.5 % of the equity.
TrendCycles recommends an investment horizon of minimum 3 - 5 years in order to smooth the results.

Can I add funds to my existing account?

Yes, you can do so at any time.

Can I withdraw money or close my account at any time?

Yes, you can do so at any time.

Is historical performance indicative for future results?

Past performance is not necessarily indicative for future results. A long-term analysis of system trading performance is helpful for a better understanding of standard deviations of the average performance.

What is the minimum account size?

We are able to professionally manage accounts starting from EUR 30'000.- or equivalent in USD / CHF. 

Can I buy the data points of the TrendCycles trading system and trade myself?

No, you can not. We offer various possibilities for institutional clients and introducing brokers to join our program. Please do not hesitate to contact us.